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Łączę pasję wystąpień publicznych oraz zarządzanie projektami. Już ponad dekadę prowadzę konferencje i wydarzenia branżowe, a zdobyte doświadczenie z obu dziedzin przekazuje w prelekcjach oraz warsztatach. Czy zawsze było to takie oczywiste? Mimo, że wiele lat minęło to początki były dość ciekawe!

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My name is Alexa Young

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My name is Alexa Young

Briefly introduce yourself and share something interesting with website visitors. Double click to edit the text.

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Special Deals

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My name is Alexa Young

Briefly introduce yourself and share something interesting with website visitors. Double click to edit the text.

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Special Deals

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Special Deals

Add information about the sale and encourage users to take advantage of the promotion. Be sure to include any relevant details you want shoppers to know about the sale or your store. Click to edit the text.


Special Deals

Add information about the sale and encourage users to take advantage of the promotion. Be sure to include any relevant details you want shoppers to know about the sale or your store. Click to edit the text.

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